Tuesday, October 2, 2012

DIY Statement Necklace

 Alrighty people! Here is a DIY quickie for you!

DIY is not foreign to me. My house is full of DIY projects. I have repurposed furniture, picture frames, curtains, etc. You name any household item, I have torn it apart and put it back together in a new way. I have made loads and loads of toys, both for school and my kids. My best friends are spray paint, hot glue, fabric, and scrap booking paper. I can do miracles with those thing.

I have discovered that I have no fear of DIY projects. If it looks hard, if I've never done it before, if people look at me like I'm crazy for attempting it, I don't care. I do it anyway. Unless, it requires power tools, then I direct Husband while he does it. But, I have always had enough extra money laying around that I haven't had to think about DIY clothes and accessories. Now, that I'm a stay-at-home mom, things they are a changin'.

So, here is my very first DIY jewelry project.

I fell in love with this necklace on Etsy but, I just didn't have the money for it. Nor, could I convince Husband that it was a worthwhile purchase with a $35 dollar price tag. I looked at it for a bit and decided I could definitely make it. I carted the kids to Michael's and picked up yarn and a thick velvet cord necklace. The whole thing cost less than ten dollars with a coupon.

I really wanted mustard yellow yarn but they didn't have it so I settled for this yarn.

All I did was put a little hot glue on the end of the velvet cord and started wrapping the yarn around. I wrapped all the way to the other end and glued the yarn there too. Then, I just wrapped back and forth until it was as thick as I wanted it to be. You have to gradually wrap more around the middle to get the graduated thickness. I didn't pay attention to how it looked at this point, I just concentrated on getting the appropriate thickness throughout. When I liked it, I focused on getting the colors in the places I wanted them to be. This got tricky and would have been much easier with a single color yarn. But, I figured it out and voila!

I love the results and I am thrilled that I was able to make myself the statement necklace I have been lusting after.

...and just a little teaser for the DIY project I will be making as Christmas presents.

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